2025 Racing Season |
This is a spin off from the Yahoo Fantasy Game. Yahoo had a 9 race limit for the season for any given driver. My game will be scored like Yahoo without the 9 race limit. You can pick a driver for more than 9 races. Yahoo.com is NOT offering this game over the internet. I will have a link to make your picks later on and will be ready for the 2025 racing season. As in my other games, this will be open for all three (3) series. The points are awarded based on the finsihing position as outlined below: Position Points Position Points 1 90 22 48 2 88 23 46 3 86 24 44 4 84 25 42 5 82 26 40 6 80 27 38 7 78 28 36 8 76 29 34 9 74 30 32 10 72 31 30 11 70 32 28 12 68 33 26 13 66 34 24 14 64 35 22 15 62 36 20 16 60 37 18 17 58 38 16 18 56 39 14 19 54 40 12 20 52 41 10 21 50 42 8 43 6 Each active driver that was a lap leader will be awarded 10 points The active driver that led the most laps will be awarded an additional 10 points If your inactive OR active driver you picked qualifies 1st place - 10 points 2nd place - 5 points 3rd place - 3 points 4th place - 1 points **NOTE: Daytona 500 (Sprint Cup) - Due to the way that qualifying is done AND if qualifying is canceled, there is no Inactive Drivers for that race. Rules concerning switching from Inactive to Active drivers: Just like in the Yahoo.com game, you may change an inactive driver to active driver. You can only change within the group that the driver is in. In the "yellow" group, you can only change Driver #1 (active) with Driver #2 (inactive). In the "gold" group, you can only change Driver #3 and/or Driver #4 (active) with Driver #5 and/or Driver #6 (inactive). In the "blue" group, you can only change Driver #7 (active) with Driver #8 (inactive). You get points for where the drivers (inactive or active) qualified. After qualifying is over, only active drivers will get bonus points on where they finish and if any of them were lap leaders. The purpose of wanting to change the status may depend on how the driver qualified and may do in the race. Deadline for picks: The deadline for the Inactive drivers will be the time qualifying is set for the race. You can change picks for your active drivers up till the deadline for the race. If you change an active to one that you have chosen as an inactive driver, you will be notified that your picks and have a chance to get them in order. Once the lineup is set, you may change a driver from an Inactive status to Active status and must be within the group (yellow, orange or blue). Points are awarded for drivers in Inactive status based on their qualifying position. If NO qualifying is done for a race, then no points will be awarded for the inactive drivers. Rollover policy: There is a rollover policy for this game. Please keep in mind, that a driver you pick one week might not be in the next race. If no picks are received for a week's race, then the previous race picks will be used. When rollovers are done, an email will be generated to let you know that your picks were rolled over. Submitting picks: There will be forms that I will be making available for team players to use to select your picks. E-Mail addresses: I will be sending out reminders of the approaching deadlines and the results for the races. The e-mail addresses you submit will be used solely for the purpose of these informational messages that I might send out. The form is set up with your name (play name) that you want to use for the game. Your e-mail address will not be visible in the form. Only the team players that are in the game will know the link for the form to use. A confirmation e-mail will be sent back to you showing the picks you chosen. I have a page set up to join and supply me with your screen (play) name and e-mail address and what series you would like to be part of for this game. If you are interested in this game, you can go to Click here on this link and sign up for it Thanks Ken |